Register Your Horse, Pony, or Miniature
A PtHA® Color Registry Horse must have four square inches of cumulative white in the qualifying zone and underlying pink skin. May be registered with an approved outcross breed or be of undocumented parentage.
The color requirement is modified with the size of the horse requiring only three square inches for ponies and two square inches for miniatures.
The PtHA® Color Registry does not accept any horses with Appaloosa characteristics, nor Mules or Donkeys.
Horse stallions cannot be registered unless both parents are registered with PtHA® or a PtHA® approved outcross breed. Pony, Miniature, and Utility horse stallions can be registered with undocumented parentage.
For example, but not limited to: Pinto, Paint, Quarter Horse, Arabian, Saddlebred, Thoroughbred, Warmblood, Draft, etc.
All qualifying white must fall within the gray zone above.
All horses that do not meet the color requirements, can be registered in the Solid Registry.
Please note: Long Ear registrations do not require color and will be registered in the Long Ear Registry.
The two color patterns are the Tobiano and the Overo. The Tobiano coat appears to be white with large flowing spots of color, often overlapping. Spots of color typically originate from the head, chest, flank and buttock, often including the tail. The Overo coat appears to be a colored horse with white markings. Spots of white appear to be jagged and usually originate on the animal’s side or belly spreading toward the neck, tail, legs and back. White almost never crosses the back.
The Pinto comes in four different classifications – Miniature, Pony, Horse and Utility.
A miniature Pinto is any equine measuring 35 inches or less. A Pinto pony is any equine measuring more than 39 inches to 56 inches. A Pinto horse is an equine measuring more than 56 inches or 14 hands.
Miniatures, Ponies, Horses and Utilities are classified by type.
The eight Pinto horse types include Stock, Hunter, Pleasure, Saddle, Mini A, Mini B, Gypsy/Vanner, and Drum.
Stock – a western horse of predominantly Quarter Horse or Paint breeding and conformation
Hunter – a horse generally including Thoroughbred and approved European Warmblood breeding and conformation
Pleasure – a horse usually of Arabian, Andalusian or Morgan breeding and conformation
Saddle – a gaited horse, possibly Saddlebred, Hackney or Tennessee Walker breeding and conformation.
Mini A – a horse measuring 35” and under at maturity, measured at the highest point of the wither.
Mini B – a horse that measures over 35” but does not exceed 39” at maturity, measured at the highest point of the wither.
The two Utility types are include Gypsy and Drum.
Gypsy - a horse of predominantly Gypsy Cob or Vanner breeding. Conformation displays a heavy build and short to moderate frame.
Drum - a horse of Gypsy crossbreeding with other draft type breeds or full blood draft type breeds. Conformation displays a larger, taller frame.